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My Story

From a young age, I have had an intense connection with the universe. My abilities allow me to pick up information and feelings from people, as well as vibrations and messages from spirits and guides. Using my gifts, I want to help provide you with the information you’re seeking whether it be answers regarding your present, past or future. It’s been my experience that many have the knowledge they seek deep within them, and simply need the right spiritual guidance to find the answers they have buried inside. 

TarotVale is so happy to be able to help you gain clarity and personal insight through the wisdom of tarot. Check out my socials and follow me on YouTube where I post general monthly readings for each zodiac sign!

Image by Annie Spratt
Image by Susanna Marsiglia

My Approach

​A tarot reading can be an excellent way to gain some perspective on your life. You can get an overview of a particular situation, set of conditions, or general life patterns. As a professional tarot reader,

I love being able to help my clients identify what is interfering with their personal lives, their success, and what they can do about it.

I use my intuition to understand the messages from my guides and yours, and I provide guidance and reassurance in a straight-forward and relaxed atmosphere.  Frank talk, like old friends do.

Please keep in mind that readings are not to be used as a substitute for medical, legal or financial advice. If you are struggling with a situation that you feel you cannot cope with please call a friend, family or more urgent support.

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